Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Social Networking

My "real" friend Sophana Kim and I, we met the old fashioned way, at work 20 years ago

I recently joined Facebook--will you be my friend? So far we people can join our group (HIPPY Texas) and donate to our cause (School Readiness and Parent Involvment). There's something vaguely strange about the mish mash of information I learn everyday about such a vast spectrum of friends, family, co-workers and contacts! For example, I learn when my friend Lisa Markley will be playing live at a local venue, and then learn what the AmeriCorps Alums are up to, followed by my colleague's post on a quiz she took which rates how latino she is (47% which is surprising since she's Mexican). I'm going to hang in there for a while and see if I can figure this thing out. I'm still holding out on twitter, linked in, the time I figure facebook out, something else will be taking over! Meanwhile, I'll see you on Facebook...

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